Create Bitcoin QR codes on a large scale by integrating our secure and easy to use Bitcoin QR code generator API into your websites or (d)apps.
Also stay up to date with the fast paced crypto environment by embedding our price widget. Our price widget is designed to follow the crypto market rates in real time 24/7 in a variety of different fiat currencies.
API is an acronym for application programming interface, and over the years the modern API has become extraordinary useful and valuable. An API is a generic connection interface to a website or (d)app. Use the quick links below to jump to one of our useful and powerful Bitcoin APIs.
Below you will find detailed documentation on our crypto QR code API. We also have created an API link generating wizard to make things super fast and simple. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to file a bug report.
Also a friendly reminder that you can customize your QR codes with our API. Just use the color, border or background parameter when making a QR code. All of the details can be found below or you can jump to our api quick start instructions guide.
A GET request is a type of HTTP method for requesting information or resources from a website. GET is also one of the most common HTTP methods today.
Note in this example below that the query string (parameter/value pairs) is sent in the URL of a GET request.¶meter2=value2¶meter3=value3
We've made things easy by including example GET request URLs for our QR code API below. All you have to do is change the values to reflect your own required QR code needs. Refer to the parameter names (case sensitive) and their possible values using the charts below.
For more advanced webmasters you may want to dynamically generate wallet addresses in place of the GET requests crypto wallet address value using your favorite programming language.
Style types and their parameter values (case sensitive)
The address parameter is the public crypto wallet address (case sensitive) that you would like to convert into a QR code format. Ensure the address format parameter matches the style parameter when converting a public crypto wallet address into a QR code format.
If the address format and crypto type do not match a default non QR code image will be returned. Also note if you see the following image returned when making an API request check for URL typos, missing required parameters or parameter errors.
Default API error response image (PNG).
The amount parameter is used to automatically set the exact amount of crypto you wish to send or receive and is used in conjunction with the URI address setting. This feature is handy if you are requesting payments for goods or services with a fixed price.
When a user scans one of our QR codes it will prefill the crypto address field as well as the amount field. Most popular (d)apps today recognize crypto URIs which helps to streamline the sending or receiving process.
In the following example we would like to include the set amount of 0.0005 BTC with address 1M5m1DuGw4Wyq1Nf8sfoKRM6uA4oREzpCX in a QR code format.
Each crypto amount is rounded to their nearest pre configured decimal place. Here is a chart showing each crypto and the set decimal place they function with.
Currencies currently available and their parameter values (case sensitive)
This setting works in conjunction with the amount parameter. When a fiat currency is set the amount entered will be fiat not crypto.
Then when the QR code is requested via our API it will automatically convert the fiat amount into the corresponding crypto amount based on the current market rates.
Consider the following example. This API request will include the set amount of $100 USD worth of BTC with address 1M5m1DuGw4Wyq1Nf8sfoKRM6uA4oREzpCX in a QR code format.
The prefix parameter by default is always on so it not necessary to set the prefix setting in the GET request if you actually want URIs added to your crypto wallet addresses. If you would like to remove the URIs from your QR codes just set the prefix parameter to off.
Note: Some out of date crypto wallets and (d)apps won't be able to read the imbedded wallet address within the QR code while the prefix setting is set to on. So if you're having issues getting an (d)app to recognize a wallet address try turning the prefix setting to off.
Bitcoin has the highest amount of wallet support for crypto URIs which are required when setting an amount for your QR codes.
URI settings with their corresponding style type values (case sensitive)
The color parameter will change the default black and white QR code to any one of the following shown below. If the color parameter is not set the default is always black or parameter 1.
QR code colors and their parameter values
The border parameter gives you the option of adding a border to your crypto QR code. Below are the current border designs available. The default is no border when the parameter is not set.
QR code borders and their parameter values
Simply replace the border parameter with the corresponding border style type number shown in the table above to customize your QR codes. Additionally, use this in conjunction with the QR color parameter for even more of a variety of styles.
The following URL is an example API request which includes a red textured border and a cherry red QR code.
The background parameter will change the default white background to any one of the following shown below. If the background parameter is not set the default is always white or parameter 1.
QR code background colors and their parameter values
The logo parameter will add or remove the crypto style banding from the QR codes. The default is on when the parameter is not set.
Logo parameter values (case sensitive)
Send a GET request in the following form to get a crypto QR code graphic in PNG format (to generate a QR code). style type)&color=(QR code color)&prefix=(URI address option)&address=(Crypto public wallet address)
Test it within your browser by requesting the following URL example.
Now you can easily embed the QR code in your HTML documents by using the img tag. Example HTML snippet shown below.
<img src="" height="150" width="150" alt="Bitcoin QR code">
300 by 300 pixels is the base image size. You can make the image smaller by simply changing the dimensions of the HTML img tag while still maintaining the image resolution. Just make sure both height and width are the same dimensions to avoid distortion.
Sample image output from HTML code shown above using an API request.
A website widget is a standalone feature designed to be easily added to a website or application. Widgets are relatively simple to setup by copying and pasting provided code into the desired area of an app.
Widgets are handy because you don't need to know how to change or even fully understand code or code frameworks to add dynamic features to any site. Use the quick links below to jump to one of our Bitcoin widgets.
Give your website visitors the ability to track crypto price changes in real time by embedding our crypto price widget into your websites or apps.
Below are the current crypto price widget settings and corresponding output examples. Just cut and paste the code into your application for real time price updates directly on your website.